Oscar Alexander
EOW 9/03/1916
October 3, 1916 southeast of Ardmore on Hoxbar route, Special Officer Oscar Alexander was instantly killed when he and other officers were shot at by George and Mose Love. The Loves were pulling a wagon of whiskey with a team of mules when the officers intercepted the illegal cargo.
The Daily Ardmoreite, Sunday, September 3, 1916 Ardmore, Oklahoma
In a pitched battle with alleged bootleggers near Hoxbar southeast of this city about ten o'clock Friday night special officer Oscar Alexander of this city was shot and almost instantly killed by one of the two Love brothers, who were driving the team in which was being transported nineteen cases of whiskey. Special officer Dow Braziel received a tip that a load of whiskey was being transported into this section and him with his assistants Alexander, Tom Adams, and George McLaughlin went to the vicinity of Hoxbar and laid in wait for the expected wagon. Officer Braziel told his men that these were two dangerous characters and placed them in places where they would be in the least danger telling them to remain there.
As soon as the wagon approached the driver was commanded to halt, but instead began firing at Braziel with a shotgun. Alexander seeing the danger Braziel was in started toward the wagon and had his pistol raised to fire when a load from the shotgun penetrated his body under his right arm causing almost instant death. In the general fusillade which followed Mose Love was severely wounded through the shoulder and hip and fell from the wagon. The team with George Love still in the wagon ran away and in passing, Braziel shot at one of the mules hoping to kill or cripple it in order to capture the other brother. The team succeeded in getting away and seeing one of his men dead and Love was so badly wounded that he might die the officers returned to the city in their machine and Love was taken to the Hardy sanitarium for treatment. Yesterday morning Dr. Hardy stated that Love though severely wounded would recover. George Love was apprehended yesterday morning by the posse of officers who were immediately summoned when the details of the shooting were heard and are now in the county jail suffering from a slight wound in the hip. The father of the two Love boys, William Love and a boy by the name of Williams who was found in the vicinity of where the shooting occurred yesterday were also detained by the officers. When the wagon and team were found yesterday morning one of the mules was dead and the wagon contained nineteen cases of whiskey.
The remains of Alexander were taken to the undertaking establishment of Boone Taliaferro and prepared for burial. Alexander was a young man who had many friends in this city who deeply deplore his untimely death. He has been a resident here for over twelve years, coming to Ardmore with his parents from North Carolina where he was born. Besides his mother, brothers, and sisters, he is survived by a wife and one child. The Love's who have lived in the old Wilson community for many years are well known throughout this section. It is alleged that they have been in trouble on several occasions and officer Braziel stated that he considered them dangerous men to deal with. Love at the sanitarium yesterday morning informed the county attorney that he had nothing to say in regard to the matter at this time.
Those of the party confined in the county jail also refused to say much about it. The county attorney is making a diligent inquiry into the whole affair. When the news reached this city last night indignation ran high, the idea of a young officer in the discharge of his duty being ruthlessly slain caused some ugly remarks and for a time matters took a serious look.
The coolness of all city and county officers prevailed and all was quiet yesterday morning. The whiskey runners have caused the officers of this vicinity more trouble than all other cases combined and a determined effort has been going on for some time to break up the practice and every little while some serious trouble arises from this cause and the Friday night killing will no doubt stimulate every officer in the county and city to greater activity. The wife and son of the slain officer was prostrated with grief as well as the mother, brothers, and sisters who reside here, and the entire city was shocked when the facts became known.